Opening Hour

Mon - Fri, 10:00 - 8:00 IST

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+91 9193066606


Subjects & Estimated Number Hours (in a Academic Session)

Mathematics : 120 Hours per year

Physics : 120 hours per year

Chemistry : 120 hours per year

Biology (SST) : 120 hours per year

English : 120 hours per year

Hindi : 100 hours per year

Computer Science : 100 hours per year

Economics : 80 hours per year

Business Studeis : 50 hours per year

Accountancy : 120 hours per year

Law : 120 hours per year

History : 120 hours per year

Sanskrit : 75 hours per year

Psychology : 80 hours per year

Tution Fee : Ranging From Rs.1200 to Rs.2000 Per Hour*

IB BOARD - CLASS 11 TO 12 ( DP1 & DP2 )

Subjects & Estimated Number Hours (in a Academic Session)

Mathematics-AI(HL) : 120 Hours per year

Mathematics-AI(SL) : 75 hours per year

Mathematics-AA(HL) : 120 hours per year

Mathematics-AA(SL) : 75 hours per year

Physics (HL) : 120 hours per year

Physics (SL) : 75 hours per year

Chemistry (HL) : 120 hours per year

Chemistry (SL) : 75 hours per year

Biology (HL) : 120 hours per year

Biology (SL) : 75 hours per year

English (HL) : 90 hours per year

English (SL) : 75 hours per year

Hindi (HL) : 90 hours per year

Hindi (SL) : 75 hours per year

Computer Science (HL): 90 hours per year

Computer Science (SL): 75 hours per year

Economics (HL): 90 hours per year

Economics (SL): 75 hours per year

Business Management (HL): 75 hours per year

Business Management (SL): 60 hours per year

Accountancy (HL): 120 hours per year

Accountancy (SL): 75 hours per year

French (HL) : 90 hours per year

French (SL) : 75 hours per year

Spanish (HL) : 90 hours per year

Spanish (SL) : 75 hours per year

Chinese (HL) : 90 hours per year

Chinese (SL) : 75 hours per year

German (HL) : 90 hours per year

German(SL) : 75 hours per year

Spanish(HL) : 120 hours per year

Spanish(SL) : 75 hours per year

Law(HL) : 120 hours per year

Law(SL) : 75 hours per year

History(HL) : 100 hours per year

History(SL) : 75 hours per year

Global Politics(HL) : 100 hours per year

Global Politics(SL) : 75 hours per year

ITGS : 75 hours per year

ICT : 75 hours per year

Sociology(HL) : 100 hours per year

Sociology(SL) : 75 hours per year

Psychology(HL) : 100 hours per year

Psychology(SL) : 75 hours per year

TOK : 15 hours per year

Extended Essay : 15 hours per year

Internal Assessment : 15 hours per year

ESS : 60 hours per year

Geography (HL) : 90 hours per year

Geography (SL) : 75 hours per year

Design Technology (HL) : 90 hours per year

Design Technology (SL) : 75 hours per year

Visual Arts (HL) : 90 hours per year

Visual Arts (SL) : 75 hours per year

Tution Fee : Ranging From Rs.2000 to Rs.3500 Per Hour*


Subjects & Estimated Number Hours (in a Academic Session)

Mathematics : 100 Hours per year

Physics : 100 hours per year

Chemistry : 100 hours per year

Biology : 100 hours per year

English : 90 hours per year

Hindi : 50 hours per year

French : 70 hours per year

Spanish : 70 hours per year

Chinese : 70 hours per year

German : 70 hours per year

Computer Science : 75 hours per year

Visual Arts : 50 hours per year

Art And Design : 50 hours per year

Economics : 90 hours per year

Business Studies : 40 hours per year

Information Technology : 75 hours per year

Accounting : 100 hours per year

History : 75 hours per year

Global Perspective : 40 hours per year

Environmental Management : 40 hours per year

Accounting : 100 hours per year

Information technology : 75 hours per year

Design technology : 40 hours per year

Geography : 50 hours per year

Sociology : 40 hours per year

Law : 50 hours per year

Psychology : 75 hours per year

Tution Fee : Ranging From Rs.2000 to Rs.3500 Per Hour*

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